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Financial Aid Team at Beckfield College

Welcome to the Financial Aid team at Beckfield College. ladbrokes立博中文版的专业人员在这里帮助您解决复杂的教育资金问题. 资助大学可能是具有挑战性的,但ladbrokes立博中文版提供个性化的援助每一步的方式. With a deep understanding of scholarships, grants, and student loansladbrokes立博中文版的专家将帮助您找到最佳的解决方案,使您的教育负担得起.

ladbrokes立博中文版ladbrokes立博中文版的团队采取以学生为中心的方法. 因此,每个学生都得到了他们需要的关注和支持. ladbrokes立博中文版的财务援助顾问知识渊博,经验丰富. 他们会指导你完成申请过程,并回答你的任何问题. ladbrokes立博中文版与学生和家庭密切合作,探索所有可用的资源. 这就是为什么,ladbrokes立博中文版创建一个定制的经济援助计划,以满足您的独特需求.

此外,ladbrokes立博中文版的团队致力于透明度和清晰度. ladbrokes立博中文版提供有关选择和资格要求的详细信息. You will understand the terms and conditions of each award. 此外,ladbrokes立博中文版还提供研讨会和一对一咨询. These sessions help you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and other necessary forms accurately and on time.

Finally, by choosing Beckfield College, 你投资于你的教育,并在你的财务旅程中获得一个支持你的伙伴. ladbrokes立博中文版的团队确保您能够获得学业成功所需的资源. This support helps reduce the stress of financial burdens. Meet our dedicated financial aid professionals today. 了解ladbrokes立博中文版如何帮助您实现您的教育目标. 总之,ladbrokes立博中文版会让你在ladbrokes立博中文版接受教育的梦想成为现实.

Meet Our Financial Aid Team

安吉拉·戴维斯-海恩斯,ladbrokes立博中文版财政援助主任Angela Davis-Haynes
Financial Aid Director
林赛·弗格森,ladbrokes立博中文版的高级财政援助管理员Lindsay Ferguson
Associate Director of Financial Aid
考特尼·詹姆斯,ladbrokes立博中文版的财政援助管理员Kourtney James
Financial Aid Administrator
克里斯蒂娜·亨德森,ladbrokes立博中文版的财政援助管理员Christina Henderson
Financial Aid Administrator

Yes. 许多家庭错误地认为他们没有资格获得经济援助,从而阻止自己获得经济援助,仅仅因为他们选择不申请. In addition, there are a few sources of aid, such as Direct Unsubsidized and Direct PLUS loans, that are available regardless of need. The FAFSA form is free. Take advantage of the opportunity to apply.

Click here to apply for the FAFSA online.

目前有三种类型的联邦贷款提供给学生-直接补贴贷款, Direct Unsubsidized  Loans, and Direct Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS).

The Direct Subsidized Loan 符合FAFSA确定的需要的学生可以获得. To qualify, a student must be a U.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民,以及有高中文凭或普通教育文凭. 像大多数联邦学生贷款一样,学生在校期间不会产生利息. If students qualify for a Direct Subsidized Loan, 这将在他们的奖励信通知上写明,以及他们可以借款的金额.

The Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan is available to any student, regardless of need. 此外,与其他联邦贷款不同,利息是在学生上学期间产生的. 要申请直接无补贴贷款,学生必须填写FAFSA.

Complete and submit the FAFSA form. To indicate interest in student employment, student loans, and/or parent loans, you should check the appropriate boxes. 勾选这些方框并不意味着你一定会接受这些类型的援助. 一旦你被批准,你将有机会接受或拒绝你的援助计划的每个部分. 不勾选这些复选框不会增加或减少您收到的资助数量.

受抚养学生的父母可以申请贷款作为助学金的补充. The federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) is available through the Direct Loan Program. 这使得家长可以借钱来支付学生经济援助计划未涵盖的任何费用, up to the full cost of attendance. There is no cumulative limit.

家长PLUS贷款是家长的经济责任,而不是学生的. If the student agrees to make payments on the PLUS loan, but fails to make the payments on time, the parents will be held responsible. The PLUS loan is often referred to as the Parent PLUS.

ladbrokes立博中文版的财务援助管理员会面,他将指导您完成整个过程并回答您的问题. You can also review this 学生指南:来自美国教育部的经济援助 这可以回答有关联邦和州学生援助计划和申请的其他问题.

学生也可以登录并访问他们的联邦贷款和佩尔助学金信息. 学生需要有他们的FSA ID才能访问他们的信息.  You can access this website at to view your information at any time.

Beckfield College’s Federal School Code for the FAFSA is: 016726

提前了解一下就读ladbrokes立博中文版的潜在费用, complete the forms in the Net Price Calculator. 所有财务结果仅是基于您将提供的信息的近似值,不能被视为实际奖励.

ladbrokes立博中文版的个人课程在教育和培训方面获得批准 G.I. Bill. 每个学生和学习项目的资格由美国国务院决定.S. Veterans Administration. Applications are available online. 认为自己有资格获得教育福利的退伍军人应该在预定的入学日期之前与学院联系,预约帮助.

Quick Web Links

这些链接可以帮助你找到更多关于学生经济援助的信息. Beckfield College is not responsible for their content, nor does Beckfield College endorse the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided in these links. By visiting websites of lenders and other third parties, you are visiting websites that are subject to terms, conditions, and privacy policies outside of Beckfield’s control.